Daato’s High-Level ESRS Gap Analysis
Fill in Daato’s ESRS gap analysis in order to receive the following:

Through Daato's ESRS gap analysis, companies can assess their ESRS readiness, by comparing their current reporting practices against the high-level disclosure requirements provided by the EU Sustainability Reporting Standards. While not being required by law, the ESRS Gap Analysis feature provides valuable insights to improve your company’s reporting. It helps businesses to identify missing disclosures areas, which will have to be reported under the new legislative framework. Through its ESRS Gap Analysis, Daato encourages organisations to assess their current ESG reporting status against the requirements provided by the ESRS and understand the percentage of compliance with the new standards.
Through the Daato ESRS Gap Analysis, you will gain an understand of your overall maturity when it comes to reporting against the requirements of the ESRS. In particular, the analysis focuses on the broad disclosure requirements included in the standards. You will find details on the count and percentage of high-level disclosure requirements your organisation already provides information on, or for which information can easily be collected, offering insights into how far your company is from reaching ESRS compliance.
We will share the results with you as follows:
■ Overall results
■ Breakdown by standard
■ Breakdown by category of information
■ Breakdown by type of disclosure
Access your ESRS Gap Analysis now
Disclaimer Please note that the content of this gap analysis is based on the first set of draft, sector-agnostic ESRS released in November 2022, which were approved by the EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board and submitted as technical advice to the European Commission. The final sector-agnostic ESRS have not yet been adopted in law.
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