The EU Taxonomy is a classification system for economic activities that are considered green, which first Delegated Act came into force on 1 January 2022. It was focusing on sectors that can make a substantial contribution to climate objectives. The tool is used by investors to assess the sustainability of potential investments, whether they meet the EU’s environmental standards and can qualify as ‘green investments’.
Recently, the EU Platform on Sustainable Finance, which advises the European Commission on the development of the EU Taxonomy, presented the Extended Environmental Taxonomy with two new economic categories. Find out more about the Extended Environmental Taxonomy here.
What is the Extended Environmental Taxonomy aiming for?
The Extended Environmental Taxonomy (SG3) is also known as the ‘Significant Harm Taxonomy’. The extended proposals are designed to include a wider range of economic activities. It should specifically include those classified as having ‘No Significant Impact’ and having ‘Significant Harm’ to the environment.
This is a key difference with the current Taxonomy, which only covers two categories: ‘Substantial Contributions’ to at least one of six environmental objectives, and ‘Do No Significant Harm’ to the environment.
The issue with the current classification system is the narrow binary framework that divides economic activities into ‘sustainable’ and ‘unsustainable’, or ‘Taxonomy-aligned’ and non-aligned’. This is leaving little room for those companies with intermediate performance or companies in transition to access finance opportunities. The proposed extension includes activities that are in urgent need of exit or transition to avoid creating significant harm. Inclusion of these new economic categories would ideally facilitate much-needed transition finance.
Classification of companies into:
- Substantial Contribution,
- Do No Significant Harm,
and the newly proposed categories of:
- Significant Harm,
- and No Significant Impact
will provide a wider framework to recognise different levels of environmental contribution and crucially, fund a transition away from significantly harmful activities.

Which sectors will be affected?
The current Taxonomy is limited to a non-exhaustive list of sectors, including:
- transport,
- water,
- waste,
- energy,
- manufacturing,
- construction,
- real estate,
- forestry,
- information and communication.
With the Extended Environmental Taxonomy categories, previously excluded ‘non-green’ sectors such as the service sector could be included. Specifically, sectors that fall within the NACE codes in macro-sectors J-U are likely to be considered No Significant Impact. Sector coverage has yet to be decided, but if this is anything to go by, at least 35% of the EU economy would be affected. This is an opportunity for many companies to leverage Taxonomy-aligned disclosures for better access to green or transition financing.
The EU Taxonomy is not completely irrelevant to foreign-owned companies operating in the EU. EU investors will want to know if a company is Taxonomy-aligned with the latest Extended Environmental Taxonomy categories. Companies can use Taxonomy criteria to benchmark their position and evaluate ways to align further with the Taxonomy as a competitive strategy.
How we help you
- We conduct a maturity assessment on where you stand in terms of sustainability and how aligned your business is to the EU Taxonomy.
- We explain the new Taxonomy extension and guide you to benchmark and align with EU Taxonomy criteria. In this way, we relieve you of tedious work steps and simplify data entry.
- We automate the collection of relevant data internally and simplify the collection of data across the supply chain, increasing efficiency and saving effort.
- We allow you to oblige the information requests from your investors and customers while protecting business-critical information from being exposed to the data receiver.
- We can help you generate your report in the correct format at the touch of a few buttons once the data has been entered.
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